Plumber St. Augustine Tips
Another question, or variation of it, I get all the time is…
Is there any plumbing preventative maintenance?
The person who was asking me this simple question was a lovely young lady had very beautiful long hair.
“I know that every time I shower my hair gets into the drain. Is there anything I can do to prevent the hair get in the trap?”
The simplest and the cheapest way to prevent any hair getting inside the trap is installing a strainer. As someone who is speaking from experience (I have pulled tons of hair out of drains in over 20 years in the industry), I can tell that it does not take long to clog up the drain.
You can call me (904) 853-9531 to install it for you, or you can purchase an inexpensive “hair strainer at any home improvement store and follow the instructions.
Also you can always go to my Request a FREE Quote page on my website, fill out the form and I will show up to not only take care of this problem, but also make sure all your plumbing systems working properly and to perform any plumbing maintenance you would need.