I was talking to someone earlier this week about latest new technologies that you have in your home to help you conserve water and to make it more efficient. One of the things that they were complaining about is waiting it for what it seems like 5 minutes in the morning for all of the cold water to come out of the shower before you can get in. What a waste of water just going down the drain!
What a huge waste of time. Everyone needs that extra 5 minutes in the morning. I don’t care who you are!
There are a couple of different features. You can even use your existing water heater. There is a water pump. It is a circulating pump that you can set to come on in the morning before you get up. It circulates the hot water through the pipes so that when you get up in the morning and you turn that shower on, boom! You have hot water. Nothing wasted down the drain; you are ready to go.
If you don’t have an electrical outlet or you don’t wish to pump like this on your hot water heater, you can attach a small pump in the back, in the very far of the sink. Underneath it needs electricity, it hooks into water and it does the same thing, it grabs the water from the water heater. It circulates the cold water out of your pipe through the pipe back to the water heater so that it doesn’t go down the drain and you have water at your fixture.
Some of those even come with a remote so that you can push a button when you are in the guest bathroom and have hot water there too. These little, but very useful fixtures can and will save you a lot of money and time over the years.
If you are thinking about getting one on of those water and time saving pumps and need it installed don’t ever hesitate to call your plumber St Augustine (me) at (904) 853-9531.